Believe it or not, Takina isn’t the only person who makes poop-shaped deserts and has no shame. Believe it or not, this episode has a lot of poop jokes that Alyssa finds funny as Viola takes up baking.
Believe it or not, Takina isn’t the only person who makes poop-shaped deserts and has no shame. Believe it or not, this episode has a lot of poop jokes that Alyssa finds funny as Viola takes up baking.
Now that Madoka overcome her second job as she managed to convince the copywriter for that rice advertisement work, they are assigned another job assignment for a famous but selfish actress. Meguro seems excited about this job. This time, Koide, a clumsy coworker who doesn’t do his job well, is taking the lead. He is as useless as, well, a Koiking/Magikarp.
After Madoka finally wins the presentation challenge, she heads to the next gym, hence the next client, which has a personality of a Farfetch’d that won’t obey.
Well, 1 segment for the whole episode that focuses on Alyssa and Viola trying to restore a rose garden. Yes, a butt-shaped fairy named Hip was tasked to restore Anna Fiatoio’s garden her father left her. We find out her father is a gardening enthusiast.
Yep, the garden is in this shape because Sweet Cheek, Hip’s older brother, doesn’t like Anna’s new fiancé she is about to marry. It’s not terribly attractive, but it looks like Sweet Cheek doesn’t like how someone else will look after Anna. Also, he couldn’t communicate with her since humans that can use magic can only see them.
Aside from that, it was an okay and straightforward episode. Sweet Cheek concludes that Anna’s fiancé is not bad and eventually comes to terms with reality. But still, I think Viola’s reaction to seeing fairies shaped like a butt is the funny part of this episode, besides Sweet Cheek throwing a durian at Anna’s fiance’s face. That does not look like a fairy, even though Alyssa said they can come in various shapes.
At last, the first episode of Pocket ni Bouken o Tsumekonde finally came out. How was the first episode? It was pretty enjoyable and brought back the nostalgia and excitement of a young woman’s life in the real world working at a mundane creative agency.
As expected, Elf Boy causes some trouble with Viola by trying to play matchmaker with an Orc with Viola. As expected, it doesn’t go well for that Elf Boy.
There’s not much to say about the first half. The Elf Boy tries to do some matchmaking with Viola, who is not an elf but a tall witch. As expected, Viola has no interest in this orc besides becoming its friend since he seemed nice enough.
As expected, Viola summoned an Odorigui, which eats the elf boy. Yes, Viola even transported the elf guy to match with Odorigui, who seems to have a liking for him. Viola got a laugh out of this, but it’s obvious to prevent the elf guy from mating with Alyssa. I have a feeling that this will become a running gag.
In the second half, Alyssa comes back with an Egg. I find Viola becoming shocked that the egg Alyssa brought back was hers, which is halarious. In reality, it wasn’t hers but from some Lizardkin. Of course, Viola is scared to drop and break the egg, but she does hold it after the Lizardkin thanks them. Overall, it’s a pretty funny episode.
Since this is primarily a comedy show with little plot, I won’t be doing full reviews of this show, especially given how packed this season is. Also, it’s hard to review an episode that is entirely comedy and not too much plot. With that, shorter improvements will be posted here on Kireina Yuri, except for the last episode.
If you haven’t read my first impressions of this show, it’s on my main anime blog.
When an article about a certain Manga Time Kirara manga, “Tsumugu Otome to Taishou no Tsuki” (紡ぐ乙女と大正の月) or officially in English, “A Drift Girl and A Noble Moon” chapter is delayed due to some issues, I looked into what the manga was about. Of course, I discovered this is a yuri science fiction manga. Well, time traveling as a girl gets mysteriously transported back to Taishou Era Japan. This plagued my interest, but is it any good?
Author: Chiune (ちうね)
Publisher: Manga Time KR Comics (Serialized in Manga Time Kirara Carat)
Original Release Date: July 15, 2020
Genre: Time Travel, Taishou Roman, School Girl, Yuri
The mini review of the Do It Yourself Live Action is now complete. This is basically my thoughts on all 8 episodes, which I watched in Japanese in a video format. I used TTS to generate the character audio with a program called VoicePeak and the video is made in Recotte Studio. I use the character voices, Otomachi Una and Tohoku Kiritan. The dialog is in Japanese, but with translations provided.
With that, enjoy!.
After a setback, the girls finally collected all the wood needed again. It’s time to see how the tree house comes together.
Rin is surprised after Nadeshiko shows up and Rin out of her seat. Nadeshiko wants to repay her for the Cup Ramen. Also, Rin finally uses that iconic scooter to go camping in Nagano. That is while the Outdoor Activities Club does their own camping.
Now that I have registered for the JLPT N2, it’s time to start immersing myself in full-throttle all the Japanese media I’m interested in. This comes in video games, manga, and even Jdrama.
Since I will be finishing up the Do it Yourself live-action, which I have been covering and watching with Japanese subs, another one that came to mind is the Yuru Camp live-action. With that, I watched the first two episodes and plan to cover them. Believe it or not, as mentioned earlier, the same director from the show worked on this J-drama.
Sadly, when Serufu and her friends leave, the DIY club experiences a considerable setback. However, they don’t let that end their plans of building their tree house.
At last, all the materials for the tree house is finally collected. Now it’s up to Sefuru to develop a blueprint, but this might be a bit difficult. It’s up to Jobko now. Also, can Sefuru make up with Miku?
Now that the girls raised enough money, they finally sold their DIY creations to earn money for tree attachment bolts for the tree house. Of course, Takumi decides to help out the drama club.
At last, Kokoro joins the cast, but only with a small introduction. While the DIY club plans to build a tree house, there is quite a difference since this is the abridged version. But at least there is a beach scene, though.
Juliet finally appears but cries outside the DIY club since she enrolled in the wrong school. It’s obvious where this is heading.
Did you know there is a live action adaptation of Do It Yourself that is airing right now? Well, I decided to check out two episodes and here are my brief thoughts about the first two episodes.
Leaving off from the last time, we see Quiche, Pie, and Tart try to awaken the being inside the “Blue Knight.” It becomes apparent what he is as Aoyama/Blue Knight looks like them. Also, Minto finally reveals her identity to her older brother to help stop the air-cleaning airship from going haywire.
I was off last week since I decided to take a short break during Memorial Day. So, of course, this Tokyo Mew New episode is straightforward as the show heads to the climax. It becomes obvious what is the identity of the Blue Knight really is.
Ichigo is feeling under the weather lately as something bothers her. It’s about her relationship with Aoyama and hiding the Mew Mew secret from him. Yes, the thing is that superheroes and superheroines conceal their true identity. That ends in this episode, but does he already know?
After Shirogane kisses Ichigo while in cat form, now he has to explain himself to Ichigo.
At last, we have the Zakuro episode, as she wants her friends to help her create a music video. She seemed tired when she came into the café and showed them the script book. It’s funny to see the reactions of Ichigo, Minto, Retasu, and Bu-ling.