I was off last week since I decided to take a short break during Memorial Day. So, of course, this Tokyo Mew New episode is straightforward as the show heads to the climax. It becomes obvious what is the identity of the Blue Knight really is.
Last time, Ichigo finally comes clean regarding her identity and the fact she is part of Tokyo Mew Mew. However, we don’t know about Aoyama as he becomes worried about Ichigo after he sees a bruise on Ichigo’s wrist. Then, of course, Quiche shows up and kidnaps Ichigo and holds her hostage.
Still, Quiche is trying to make advances on her. So, of course, she rejects him. Yes, he even makes a taunt of summing a bunch of strawberries before smashing them with his fists.
Now, Mew Mew Café is in trouble as Tart comes and summons endless hordes of monsters. Of course, Retasu, Bu-ling, and Zakuro can’t handle that many monsters without Minto and Ichigo. Minto is missing because her maids and guards confine her to the mansion because it’s too dangerous out there.

We finally learn that Blue Knight is actually Aoyama. The Blue Knight came because of Aoyama’s worries about getting separated from Ichigo, who needs to protect her. Eventually, Aoyama reveals that he is the Blue Knight in front of Ichigo. Since Tart, Pie and Quishe know who the Blue Knight is, someone they were waiting for. We’ll see the final boss in the next few episodes up to the finale.
On a side note, I can’t praise the reboot enough for its focus on the environment, conservation, and the threat of climate change. Sure, the aliens turned Minto’s and Seiji’s aspiration for a “Solar Punk” future where we have clean air, water, sustainability, and possibly reverse the effects of Global Warming. But, sadly, the Aliens are against their efforts, which can explain why her older brother is so concerned about her well-being. Probably he doesn’t know that Minto is a Mew Mew and has the power to stop what is happening.

Still, it’s unfortunate that the aliens sabotage their efforts. That is by turning Minto’s small windmill into a destructive tornado and her older brother’s ocean pollution cleaning machines to create the red tide. Now, his air-cleaning airship is being used to create pollution, thus creating a greenhouse effect that can wipe out all of Tokyo.
In a way, the aliens can be viewed as the fossil fuel industry and right-wing politicians who don’t give a crap about the environment in the name of money. They don’t realize that global warming/climate change is an existential threat. You can’t make money if everything is wiped out by this threat. Sadly, we are in the danger zone and need to take drastic actions. The fact that the show shows awareness and Minto and Seiji working hard to help reverse the effects of coming close to going over the brink is a good thing.
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