After a setback, the girls finally collected all the wood needed again. It’s time to see how the tree house comes together.
After a setback, the girls finally collected all the wood needed again. It’s time to see how the tree house comes together.
Rin is surprised after Nadeshiko shows up and Rin out of her seat. Nadeshiko wants to repay her for the Cup Ramen. Also, Rin finally uses that iconic scooter to go camping in Nagano. That is while the Outdoor Activities Club does their own camping.
Now that I have registered for the JLPT N2, it’s time to start immersing myself in full-throttle all the Japanese media I’m interested in. This comes in video games, manga, and even Jdrama.
Since I will be finishing up the Do it Yourself live-action, which I have been covering and watching with Japanese subs, another one that came to mind is the Yuru Camp live-action. With that, I watched the first two episodes and plan to cover them. Believe it or not, as mentioned earlier, the same director from the show worked on this J-drama.
Sadly, when Serufu and her friends leave, the DIY club experiences a considerable setback. However, they don’t let that end their plans of building their tree house.
At last, all the materials for the tree house is finally collected. Now it’s up to Sefuru to develop a blueprint, but this might be a bit difficult. It’s up to Jobko now. Also, can Sefuru make up with Miku?
Now that the girls raised enough money, they finally sold their DIY creations to earn money for tree attachment bolts for the tree house. Of course, Takumi decides to help out the drama club.
At last, Kokoro joins the cast, but only with a small introduction. While the DIY club plans to build a tree house, there is quite a difference since this is the abridged version. But at least there is a beach scene, though.