Now that Koide has finally become a more competent co-worker, Madoka tries to help one of the creative directors, who seems to be overworking himself.
Now that Madoka has dealt with Koide, as the Magikarp inside him evolved into Garaydos, Madoka has reached the Safari Zone. Yep, you have to love the Safari Zone way of catching Pokemon. It will run away if you use too many rocks, not enough bait or too many balls. Yep, the mechanics are pretty much luck-based. This time, she wants to catch a Kangaskhan but can’t find one.

The focus is on the workaholic creative director, Kogusuri, who has the personality of a Kangaskhan and seems to agree with everything. He is spending a bit too much on his work than his son. He was at the bar as he waited for his meal. Of course, when Masako delivered her meal, Kogusuri seemed a bit down. I find it funny to see Madoka’s and Koide’s reactions when Masako double-slaps Kogusuri. Yep, it’s too violent to show the real-life scene; we only see a battle scene from the game.

As expected, Sora give some game tips to Madoka on where to find the Kangaskhan. He helped her when a Kangaskhan appeared and gave the Game Back to her. As expected, when she threw a ball, it broke out and ran away. Yep, that is what to expect in the Safari Zone, filled with disappointment when you fail to catch the Pokemon and it runs away. Sad times. Sora advises Madoka to accumulate her virtue, and good luck will come.
The focus is, of course, Kogusuri, who is a workaholic who spends way too much time with work. This shows his strained relationship with his son as he didn’t pick up Kouji from school since he is so focused on his work.

Yep, we see why Kouji prefers his mother over his father, as he is never home. It’s pretty telling with the family picture he drew in school, with him close to his mother and holding hands. Notice how the father is further away and his face scribbled out. It shows a big falling out between son and father as Kogusuri doesn’t spend time with Kouji. He doesn’t know how to make up with his son. Better work and life balance would help.

Eventually, Madoka devised a plan to bring Kogusuri and Kouji back together. They basically went to a zoo, which looks like the Safari Zone. Of course, Madoka and Koide witnessed them in secret. However, Madoka splits off from Koide to go into the Kangaroo exhibit. She had the best balance of rock and bait.

However, when the zoo janitor tells her not to yell, the cursor moves from using a Safari Ball to a rock. When Madoka presses A, she realizes she made a big mistake. At the same time, Kogusuri spilled the food and had to clean it up and rebuy it. That is when Kouji noticed Madoka’s printed-out plan to have Kogusuri and Kouji have bonding time from the bag, which is where things went south. Kouji doesn’t like how his father is still in the working mindset.

Thankfully, Kogusuri reconciled with his son by balancing his work with time with his son. After promising that he would, he had a call from that firm. Eventually, he told them it was too late to make any changes, and he spent time with his son today.

Either way, it worked out in the end, as in the meeting the next day, he did a video call with his son. Yep, he introduced him to his co-workers. Moreover, it’s nice to see Madoka finally catch that Kangaskhan. All that effort eventually paid off after three tries. From the looks of it, do they have to deal with a client like a Snorlax? Hmmm.

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