Now that Madoka has managed to awaken the shopping district association leader, she decides to enter a short film contest. Of course, she finally got a Game Boy link cable, which is obvious where this is heading.
Apparently, Madoka decided to enter a short film contest with Hiyama. Obviously, Hiyama doesn’t seem that interested in it. The funny thing is that the theme for the video contest is to create a 100-second short video informing the viewer of the effects of global warming. Pokémon Company knows that Global Warming is an existential threat. Either way, Hiyama runs into former coworkers, and Madoka runs into Midori by chance.

With that, Madoka and Hiyama tried to brainstorm ideas for the short video. Yes, Madoka mentions TikTok, given that it involves short video content. Of course, they couldn’t get anywhere. Thus, Madoka thinks they should take a breather as she whips out her link cable. She wants to do a link battle with Hiyama. Of course, besides making the rules, Madoka thought it would be fun if the person who wins told the loser that they have to do something. If Madoka wins, Hiyama has to work together on the video. If Hiyama wins, he wants Madoka’s Charizard. As expected, Madoka doesn’t want to lose as she just evolved the Charmelion. She doesn’t want to lose it.
As for the battle itself, it was certainly interesting. Hiyama started with a Machoke, and Madoka used her Kangaskhan. She used Dizzy Punch while he used Low Kick. Yes, Madoka hoped the Dizzy Punch would confuse Machoke, but it didn’t happen. Hiyama managed to two-hit KO it while Madoka had to revenge kill it with a Raichu. Of course, Hiyama brings out Nidoking, which Madoka knows Raichu can’t land any attacks. Thus, she switches to Pidgeot, but he outsmarts her using Ice Beam. That is quite a witty strategy, given that Madoka thought Nidoking had the earthquake move.

Some time passed, and eventually, Hiyama had only one Pokémon versus Madoka, who had two. Madoka has her Charizard out. The funny thing is that Hiyama brings out Clefable. Despite its cute looks, he plays dirty. Yes, he believes that using “Evasion” moves is a strategy. No, that is playing dirty. Evasion moves like Double Team and Minimize make the battle luck-based and give the opponent a heavy advantage. Since this is Gen I, there is no way around it compared to later generations with moves disregarding evasion/accuracy. If the user uses Minimize, it takes double damage when an opponent uses certain moves.

Eventually, the battle got heated, and they took a break. Madoka reveals why she joined a small creative firm like ADVenture. That magazine ad promoting hair bleach inspired her to get a job at that company and pursue a creative career. She believes that a magazine advertisement can change a person.

After the break, the battle resumes. Hiyama takes out Charizard as Madoka barely manages to have an attack land on Clefable. With that, she only has Gyarados. While things look bleak, Madoka’s Gyarados used Hyper Beam and managed to land. As expected, Hyper Beam is ridiculously strong in Gen I and manages to KO Clefable with a critical hit too. With that, Madoka wins the battle. Madoka seems very happy as Sora congratulates him.

After the battle, Hiyama reveals that he used to work at a big creative firm before coming to ADVenture. He was overwhelmed by his previous job, so he quit and worked at the company he is in now. Of course, Madoka believes that Hiyama chose to be a creator despite his setbacks. Yep, the Charmeleon in him evolves into Charizard. That is when he goes with Madoka’s plan of doing the “minimize” concept to stop global warming. They ended up winning second place, which, of course, Madoka boasted about winning first in the competition. Of course, she smeared her win in Madoka’s face. I wonder, what childhood friend is Midori? I guess better luck next time. Hiyama thanks Madoka for lighting the fire in him again. Of course, while they left, they talked about Pokémon. Not too surprising.
Next time, we get some stuff about ghosts.
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