After a setback, the girls finally collected all the wood needed again. It’s time to see how the tree house comes together.
Against all odds, the girls in the DIY Club finally start building the tree house. Sure, they went short on wood to finish the roof, but they used some non-important boards from the clubhouse to finish it. It’s nice to see the tree house finally put together. Also, it is nice that Serufu screwed the last two screws to finish it without injuring herself.

Also, the moments with Serufu and Purin are lovely, obviously. We know why Purin got so upset, as Serufu said she didn’t need to rely on her in that flashback. Still, it’s nice to see they haven’t left out Purin and Serufu making the swing with that board Purin had. Also, there is their flashback regarding Serufu’s promise about the wind chime Purin gave her. Of course, there is no mention of Juliet returning to her home country, which is not too surprising。

That said, while the live-action is an abridged version of the DIY anime, the adaptation is pretty close. However, some scenes are changed, and some are removed altogether. In the last episode, we don’t know what happened to Juliet, whether or not she stayed or went back, and other scenes.

Yes, it’s not that significant to the plot. Overall, I think it’s a pretty good adaptation, and it’s nice to see schoolgirls doing DIY in a live-action format. Will it get more young girls to do woodwork and build stuff? Maybe.
With that, I will eventually write a mini-review of my thoughts on the live-action overall. That will come very soon.
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