Juliet finally appears but cries outside the DIY club since she enrolled in the wrong school. It’s obvious where this is heading.

I must admit, Juliet is pretty much like she was in the anime. The only difference is that she doesn’t come by helicopter but in limbo. We get the whole thing of her badmouthing the DIY club and Rei getting upset.

Of course, some scenes are unnecessary as her causing a scene at the wrong school and the extra scenes of Juliet tormenting the DIY club before eventually joining. She ultimately joins at the end of this episode. Also, Juliet stays at a fancy Ryokan rather than a hotel penthouse, probably because of where this live-action is shot. Still, I admit it’s interesting to hear how Juliet speaks English.

As expected, this episode also combines parts of the third episode of the anime with the fourth episode. We see details of the fourth episode, where Serifu invites Juliet and Purin to her house for dinner. Of course, Purin notices keyboard noise the following morning, and Juliet is hacking the school’s system to download the curriculum. Not too surprising since she is the daughter of a famous IT worker. Still, the school needs to improve its information security.

Interesting that Takumi and Rei come over to build the hammock, mostly the beams that support it. While they hang it from the ceiling in the anime, obviously, they couldn’t do that in Miku’s loft in the live action. This is an excellent opportunity to show the flashback of Juliet building stuff with her mother and enjoying it. She eventually did the screwing with the power drill when Serufu couldn’t do it properly due to the torque setting incorrectly.
Either way, this episode is an abridged version of the 3rd and 4th episodes of the anime. Even so, it’s still a fun one. After all, Juliet, aka Jobko, is a fun character, like with all tsundere characters. I find it funny how Rei calls Juliet a cheeky blonde-haired girl (生意気パツキン少女). I found out that Patsukin is just 金髪、きんぱつ, but backward as an insult. Rei is still annoyed at Juliet for insulting the DIY club for being outdated and moldy. Also, Miku’s mother does not show up in this episode. My guess is she will probably not appear at all since she doesn’t have a huge role.

Next time, Kokoro joins the club as the girls start planning out for their secret base. They apparently go to the beach from the looks of it. No swimsuits, though, of course, judging from the preview.

Also, interesting that Miku’s computer is running Windows 10. Yes, you would think she would be using Linux since she attends a tech high girls’ high school, and it’s more suited for scientific applications. Still, Japan does not like Windows 11.
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