At last, we have a Retasu episode as she and Shirogane investigates a Mew Aqua there. Then, of course, Quiche shows up and throws their mission into a spin.

As expected, we know that Retasu has some unrequited feelings for Shirogane. Given that the boat museum focuses on mermaids and Retasu is infused with the DNA of a Finless Porpoise, it’s not surprising to see why she took the offer. But then, they found the earrings from a mermaid at the museum that Quiche tried to steal. So, of course, he becomes annoyed and hurts Retasu with a scratch before falling into the ocean. Shortly after, the earrings started to shine on the sea floor.

For a moment, Retasu got “isekaied” into another world that is suffering the effects of climate change. In fact, this was a playback of Madeline’s memories. She regrets not declaring her love to Chiffon. He wanted Madeline to come with him, but she refused to leave her home, which is precious to him. Of course, Retasu convinces Madeline to confess her feeling. We also learned that Madeline received those earrings from Chiffon. We know those earing can grant wishes, just like in “The Little Mermaid.”

It’s nice to see how Retasu used the Mew Aqua to basically turn into a mermaid so that Chiffon and Madeline. Sadly, Madeline, in reality, never told Chiffon how she felt before he left and lived the rest of her life with regret before she passed away. At least it’s nice to see Retasu resolve her regrets, and Madeline can rest peacefully.

From that, the earings itself completely lost its powers. From this temporary “isekai” moment, Retasu confessed her love to Shirogane. Unfortunately, he turned her down as he was more focused on saving the world. Sure, it’s heartbreaking for Retasu, a timid girl. But, at least she dares to do it and not feel regretful over revealing her feelings. As she cries as Zakuro comforts her, we know who is the last Mew Mew that will receive a spotlight episode. Hopefully, there will be some Minto and Zakuro moments thrown into it.
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