At least, we have a Bul-ling episode as she throws 5 siblings a birthday party. In addition, as usual, there are some funny moments as Tart tries to execute his plan to make Tokyo into a sea of magma.

Of course, this is a pretty straightforward episode as Bu-ling throws a birthday party for her five siblings. Believe it or not, they had roasted duck, Lo-Mein, fried rice and Dim Sum. I find Bu-ling’s Dim Sum dance. I find it funny how one of the bamboo Dim Sum containers hit Ichigo’s head. Thankfully, the Cha siu bao landed in the child’s mouths, so at least the trick was successful.

Aside from that, we see a flashback of Bu-ling seeing her five new siblings, and we get a glimpse of their mother. I can see why Bu-ling had to grow up rather quickly, as her parents are away all the time. They apparently work for a circus troupe. Also, she bought tickets for her siblings and herself to see Cirque De Lune, which is obviously a knockoff version of Cirque du Soleil. We know that Bul-ling wants to do what her parents used to do.

As for Tart’s plan, Bu-ling gets grabbed through a hole after one of her siblings discovers it. While Tart tying Bu-ling with a rope didn’t quite help, he did save her from the toxic saliva of the xenodiggers. We see Bu-ling trying to stop Tart from attempting to bring him to the good side.
Eventually, the other Mew Mews came to thwart his plan. Sadly, the Xenodiggers did what Tart set out to do, but thankfully Bu-ling managed to get a hold of Mew Aqua and used the powers to seal the cracks and harden the magma. Sure, Bu-ling and her siblings didn’t get to see the show, but at least Ichigo and her friends put on a show for Bu-ling’s siblings.

Also, I find it suspicious that Aoyama doesn’t know who his parents are. I wonder why. Either way, Retasu, my favorite Mew Mew, is getting the spotlight next time.
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