Do you believe in ghosts? Well, Madoka finally goes to that Pokemon Tower. This had happened a few months before as she had noticed something creepy, like the lights flickering while Madoka and Koide were eating dinner. It might explain why Madoka got the Pokeflute and went to the Safari Zone in the previous episodes.

At last, we finally get some focus on Sora, who is Masako’s son. Madoka finally reaches Lavender Town, which has an eerie tune. Believe it or not, that was changed in the localized release, but there have been creepypastas.
Madoka eventually goes into the Pokemon Tower, and of course, there is a set of stairs that she can’t pass. A ghost appears and tells Madoka to leave. That while the lights dim and flicker around her. Masako notices something is up as Madoka tries to leave without paying the bill. Of course, someone is standing in the background, and it becomes obvious who it is.

The next day, Sora is playing Pokemon on his switch. He reveals that his father died one year ago from heart disease during a cruise. Sora didn’t remember much except him not being at home anymore.
We see that he has glasses similar to his father’s, and he starts seeing a ghost of her father, Kuuya, trying to scare Sora like a ghost. I admit he is silly, and the children eventually point out that Sora is talking to himself. Of course, he sees his son playing the newest Pokemon game on the switch.

That night, Koide and Madoka eat while Sora tells his ghost father that Madoka is his student. It’s funny that Kuuya doesn’t like what his wife is talking about to Madoka and Koide. He tries to scare them away, but it doesn’t quite work. They can hear that voice oddly. Of course, Sora scolds his father for interrupting the business, but Kuuya seems worried about her.

Eventually, Sora goes out and knows Kuuya is there. He wasn’t scared by him, and Kuuya wanted to learn more about his son. Of course, he doesn’t know anything. Since Sora knows that Kuuya has a list of things he wants to do, Sora feels the need to do them so that Kuuya can go to heaven.

With that, Sora invites Madoka to do a list of activities, some of which Kuuya usually does with his son. This consists of fishing, going biking and visiting Tokyo’s Tower. Yep, there are funny moments. Sora also bought his Pikachu backpack, which is cute. It’s too bad they caught no fish; they just saw garbage bags.

Madoka and Sora eventually had lunch in the restaurant when Madoka decided to take her game out and play it. It’s funny how Sora thinks Madoka is more childish playing games during lunch.
Then again, when you are an adult, you don’t have much free time since you have to work, of course. She, of course, plays it because she is scared, and the Pokemon Tower is scary and filled with Shaman ladies who are scary.
Of course, Sora mentions that Madoka should use a psychic-type Pokemon instead since it’s good against ghosts. That is after Madoka tells Gyarados to use bite, which has no effect since it’s a normal move instead of a dark one. Then again, Psychics being good against ghost types is a myth since the only ghost type was the Gengar line of Pokémon. That is when Madoka goes off and picks up her dessert.

Meanwhile, Kuuya nags Sora for not eating his tomatoes. He says that Sora won’t grow up without eating them, which annoys Sora. He lashed out, saying that Kuuya was dead and telling him not to act like he was his father. Of course, everyone was looking at him. Maadoka eventually came back with her pudding. The funny thing is that Midori was there and noticed that Madoka was there with a child. She thought Sora was her child, but Kuuya, as a ghost, tries to say it’s not her child. Of course, he can’t get to her for obvious reasons.

Eventually, they are at Tokyo Tower, but Sora doesn’t want to go in. After Kuuya watches Sora do a Tera Battle. It looks like he is finally having bonding time with his son. That is before Kuuya finishes all the things he wants to do. He starts to disappear as he goes to heaven, like with that mother Marowak from the game after you defeat it.

Sora eventually meets up with Madoka at the tower. Madoka notices something is off about Sora and asks her if she believes in ghosts. While she doesn’t believe in ghosts, she understands why people feel this way. Madoka also mentions that she wants to meet her loved person again if she dies. With that, Sora doesn’t think a strange voice should be at the shop again, and he will help her with her game together. Either way, I think it’s a clever way to incorporate that Marowak mother ghost story from the game in the Jdrama.
With that, next week’s episode focuses on Meguro, of course.
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