At last, all the materials for the tree house is finally collected. Now it’s up to Sefuru to develop a blueprint, but this might be a bit difficult. It’s up to Jobko now. Also, can Sefuru make up with Miku?

They are finally set after getting all the wood from the DIY club made for the Drama Club’s stage set. We finally see the adaptation of Episode 8 as the girls blueprint the tree house. It’s funny to see Sefuru’s creative drawing make a showing in the live-action like it did in the anime. This won’t be realistic, so Jobko does the job.

Like in the anime, Jobko struggles as she doesn’t know how to use CAD. Miku notices that Jobko is struggling, so she helps her. Interestingly, Miku is having a lot of fun helping Jobko make the sketch using the 2 in 1 laptop computer to make the sketch.
In the meanwhile, Takumi made a miniature model of the treehouse how it should look like. Of course, Sefuru feels a bit down, lamenting if she is being useful to the group or not. I don’t think Sefuru should worry. She will show her strengths soon enough.

The funny thing is that Purin comes around to check out the DIY club. That is while Jobko shows the blueprint. This differs between the anime and the live-action, as Miku doesn’t join the DIY club until the 11th episode. Takumi also shows off the aprons they created, even one for Miku with Purin. Yep, she is Jigglypuff now since Purin is the Japanese name. At least this puts the end of Miku being a DIY club anti.

Of course, why did the trash haulers think the wood was on the side of the DIY club since it’s not near the dumpster. I guess the school got tired of looking at the wood piled up by the DIY club. But it’s not over; the girls will go over town looking for materials to build the tree house, like in the anime.
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