Now that the girls raised enough money, they finally sold their DIY creations to earn money for tree attachment bolts for the tree house. Of course, Takumi decides to help out the drama club.
Here is a bit of a divergence. It feels more like an original episode. The girls finally gather some wood from the tree house, but it’s not enough. Takumi somehow has the courage to help the Drama club with their cultural festival activity, which needs a stage set built. They didn’t believe the DIY club could do it, but they pulled it off.

Yes, the drama club’s theater performance was about an idol unit getting ready to perform on stage. Believe it or not, they performed the ending theme from the Do It Yourself anime. Not bad, if I say so myself, after their skit of trying to prepare for it.

Still, while it’s obviously an original story for the live-action, it’s interesting to see how the DIY club put two stage sets together, all thanks to Sefuru’s creativity that, is practical this time. Still, I wonder what she drew as it never got shown to the audience. Jobko’s was a bit too, well, unpractical, surprisingly. She is trying to show off, but it’s impressive she came up with something in a 3D modeling program. Also, it’s interesting how At least they have all the materials ready now for the tree house.

As always, Sefuru wanted to invite Miku, but obviously, she called the DIY club and stage performances moldy things she hated. What is her problem? I know she is a tsundere, but she will eventually defrost, I hope.