Remember when Luna came over to practice cooking and blowing up Alyssa’s kitchen. It has something to do with someone that will come over. I wonder who it is.
Remember when Luna came over to practice cooking and blowing up Alyssa’s kitchen. It has something to do with someone that will come over. I wonder who it is.
Now that Madoka has managed to mend Kogusuri’s relationship with his son, ADVenture is working on a project to revive a market district. However, they must convince the market district president to accept their plan. This seems more challenging than it looks.
Luna wants to learn how to cook, and of course, hilarity ensures. Also, something happened to the Phoenix.
Now that Koide has finally become a more competent co-worker, Madoka tries to help one of the creative directors, who seems to be overworking himself.
Believe it or not, Takina isn’t the only person who makes poop-shaped deserts and has no shame. Believe it or not, this episode has a lot of poop jokes that Alyssa finds funny as Viola takes up baking.
Now that Madoka overcome her second job as she managed to convince the copywriter for that rice advertisement work, they are assigned another job assignment for a famous but selfish actress. Meguro seems excited about this job. This time, Koide, a clumsy coworker who doesn’t do his job well, is taking the lead. He is as useless as, well, a Koiking/Magikarp.
After Madoka finally wins the presentation challenge, she heads to the next gym, hence the next client, which has a personality of a Farfetch’d that won’t obey.
Well, 1 segment for the whole episode that focuses on Alyssa and Viola trying to restore a rose garden. Yes, a butt-shaped fairy named Hip was tasked to restore Anna Fiatoio’s garden her father left her. We find out her father is a gardening enthusiast.
Yep, the garden is in this shape because Sweet Cheek, Hip’s older brother, doesn’t like Anna’s new fiancé she is about to marry. It’s not terribly attractive, but it looks like Sweet Cheek doesn’t like how someone else will look after Anna. Also, he couldn’t communicate with her since humans that can use magic can only see them.
Aside from that, it was an okay and straightforward episode. Sweet Cheek concludes that Anna’s fiancé is not bad and eventually comes to terms with reality. But still, I think Viola’s reaction to seeing fairies shaped like a butt is the funny part of this episode, besides Sweet Cheek throwing a durian at Anna’s fiance’s face. That does not look like a fairy, even though Alyssa said they can come in various shapes.
At last, the first episode of Pocket ni Bouken o Tsumekonde finally came out. How was the first episode? It was pretty enjoyable and brought back the nostalgia and excitement of a young woman’s life in the real world working at a mundane creative agency.