Last time, Ayaka tried to talk about Hiroko about what she meant to say after seeing her enter a Lesbian Bar. While Hiroko lies to Ayaka, Risa tries to find answers. Of course, she shares the obvious about who she likes.

If you recall, last time, Ayaka felt down after Hiroko said she was not a Lesbian. Although lying, Risa tries to reveal who she likes by being vague about it. It becomes apparent that Risa has a crush on Ayaka. However, Ayaka turns her down as she still loves Hiroko, which upsets her. However, Ayaka doesn’t want to lose Risa as a friend because of this. After all, she is the only friend Ayaka made and her first one. Thankfully, they made up.

We find out what Hiroko is hiding. They learn from the lady who runs the bar that the reason Hiroko lied about not being a Lesbian and thinking Ayaka is straight is because of what happened with Hiroko’s first crush on Chinatsu, who was her supervisor at the time for her section. She showed feelings for Chinatsu, and she took it. Some jealous male coworkers got jealous and spread negative rumors about Chinatsu over taking sexual favors. Also, it is possible homophobia from those male coworkers as they view their relationship negatively. Eventually, Chinatsu ends up quitting to protect Hiroko. Chinatsu cut all contact with everyone as a result. Then again, this was in 2014 in the flashback, and things may have changed.
It’s obvious why Hiroko is not showing any acceptance or rejection towards Ayaka’s advances, perhaps because of the homophobia from those who spread the rumors under the guise of jealousy. Of course, some progress has been made to improve LGBT rights in Japan since then, but still behind compared to other countries that have protections against LGBT discrimination and allow same-sex marriage, which is still not legal in Japan.

With Ayaka knowing the truth about what happened to Hiroko and Chinatsu, “Mama” says it’s up to Ayaka to help Hiroko and change her. In short, she finally openly admits to Hiroko in front of everyone that she loves Hiroko. As for how they will react, it will be exciting but indeed different compared to what happened to Hiroko a long time ago.
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